Reckon Accounts Desktop: Unable to change the hours for pay on the Enter Payroll Information screen

Legacy KB ID: 5490


Why are the hours in the earnings field on the Enter Payroll Information screen now blue and don’t allow me to overwrite them with the latest amounts?


Tick this Employee and click on Open Paycheque Detail and change hours in the form.

The Issue

The table on Enter Payroll Information is a summary table of items in the paycheque form.  There is a column for each separate payroll item.  In most cases a payroll item will be used once in any pay for the employee and so can be changed here in the table. 

If the employee has the same payroll item listed twice in the pay – for instance, because the amounts are split between different Classes or Customer/Jobs, then the amount is a total and cannot be overwritten here.  To indicate its changed status from the other entries in the table, it is listed in blue. 


Open the Paycheque Detail form for this employee and change the hours there.

  1. Tick only the employees that need to be changed
  2. Click on the Open Paycheque Detail… button to open the Review or change Payment screen
  3. Change the hours column for each payroll item entry
  4. Save & Close when complete
  5. Continue with other employee pays in the table.

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