Reckon Accounts - STP Phase 2

Reckon Accounts - STP Phase 2 Requirements

Reckon Accounts - STP Phase 2 Migration Assistant Pages

Overview of the STP Phase 2 for Reckon Accounts

Before proceeding, please read the article Single Touch Payroll Phase 2 Overview on key changes and useful references pertaining STP Phase 2. Moreover, refer to the ATO's Single Touch Payroll Phase 2…

STP Phase 2 - Employer Checklist of key changes

The following article is a checklist that employers can refer to in order to assist Reckon Accounts users in obtaining or preparing the required information ahead of time for Single Touch Payroll (ST…

STP Phase 2 - Company changes in Reckon Accounts

Upgrading your Company File. When you upgrade your Reckon Accounts company file to Reckon Accounts 2023, any existing Employees and Payroll Items will not be automatically updated with STP Phase 2 re…

STP Phase 2 - Employee detail changes in Reckon Accounts

Employee Details. There will be no automatic updates to your existing employee records whilst upgrading your Company file to Reckon Accounts 2023. It is the obligation of the Payroll officer to ensur…

STP Phase 2 - IIF changes for Export/Import

With the STP Phase 2 changes in Reckon Accounts, we must also accommodate the support of the import/export feature of the Employee List and Payroll Item List. New columns. This is the list of new col…

STP Phase 2 - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Best Practice. What is the recommended best practice regarding upgrading? The recommended best practice is to: - Finalise your last pay for the 2022/23 Financial Year - Perform your year-end finalisa…

STP Phase 2 Migration Assistant

About the STP Phase 2 Migration Assistant. The Reckon Accounts STP Phase 2 Migration Assistant is the easiest way to get your business ready for the switch to STP Phase 2. It steps you through all th…

STP Phase 2 changes in Reckon GovConnect

After updating your Employees and Payroll Items to be STP Phase 2 compliant – either manually or with the use of the Migration Assistant , you are now ready to process your pays and lodge your very f…

STP Phase 2 - Known Lodgement error messages from Reckon GovConnect using Reckon Accounts

Lodgement for CDEP payments has ceased. ATO MESSAGE CDEP Amount reporting has ceased, CDEP Amount must be 0 or blank.. REASON CDEP lodgement is no longer accepted by the ATO. See PAYG withholding for…

End of Financial Year (EOFY) finalisation in Reckon Accounts

Post upgrade notes. After upgrading to Reckon Accounts 2023 (and any versions onward), any STP submission eg. pay run, update event, EOFY finalisation etc must comply with STP Phase 2 requirements Th…

Account Numbers are disabled after launching the Migration Assistant in Reckon Accounts 2023

This issue was identified in Reckon Accounts 2023 released on 13 June 2023. This has since been resolved with the Hotfix 2 release on 26 August 2023. Problem. Account Numbers preferences are disabled…

Handling All-purpose allowances with Overtime from Reckon Accounts 2023 and above

What is an 'All Purpose Allowance'? An all-purpose allowance is an allowance that is added to an employees hourly rate and is paid for all purposes, such as when calculating payments for leave or ove…

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