Best practice for Save as PDF and Emailing in Reckon Accounts

Legacy KB ID: 4897


Why can’t I Save as PDF or email from Reckon Accounts Business 2013? 


You may get errors like:

·         Error Code -20 Printer not Activated

·         Printer Not Activated error code - 20 or – 40;

·         Could not print to printer;

·         Activation error -41.


When emailing, you may also get error messages such as:

·         There is no default mail client

·         Microsoft Outlook:  A program is trying to send an e-mail on your behalf

·         Server Busy

These messages are benign and you should answer in the affirmative and continue.


To Save as PDF or email from Accounts business various components need to be properly configured.  This is more important when different versions of components are present on a PC. 

For instance, long-time users of QuickBooks and Quicken (now Accounts Business and Accounts Personal) may have the following entries in their Devices and Printers:

·         Quicken PDF Converter

·         Reckon PDF Converter

·         QuickBooks V303 PDF converter

·         QuickBooks V4 PDF Converter

Most problems will be avoided if each of these printers is set to its own port. 


Detailed Instructions

Note for Windows Home Edition Users (including Windows 8 Basic)
:  you must log onto your computer with the Built-in Administrator account.  See Additional Information below for logging on as the built-in administrator.

Please Note that during the changeover period from  QuickBooks to Accounts Business, some parts of the programme may still refer to QuickBooks.  Wherever QuickBooks is used it implies Accounts Business.  Reckon Accounts also means Accounts Business. 


1.    Delete Accounts Business printer files – QBPRINT.QBP and wpr.ini:

                      i.        Close Accounts Business

                     ii.        Windows 7 & Vista:  C:\Program Data\Intuit\ReckonAccounts 2013 and C:\Program Data\Intuit\QuickBooks 2013 **

                    iii.        Windows XP:  C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Intuit\ReckonAccounts 2013\ and C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Intuit\QuickBooks 2013\

                   iv.        Try to Save as PDF or Email again.

** If you cannot see the C:\Program Data\ folder, then it is hidden and you must unhide it:

                                          i.    Click on the Organize button in the top left of Windows Explorer;

                                         ii.    Select Folder and search options > View tab;

                                        iii.    In the Advanced Settings box, click on Show hidden files , folders and drives;

                                       iv.    Click OK to save.


If problems persist, then continue with the following steps. 


2.    Turn off UAC

                      i.        Close all open programmes;

                     ii.        Start > Control Panel > User Accounts > Change User Accounts Control settings;

                    iii.        Slide bar to Never notify;

                   iv.        Click OK – you will be forced to reboot your PC.  


3.    Assign all PDF converters to a separate port:

                      i.        Start > Devices and Printers;

                     ii.        Right-click the first PDF converter – eg: QuickBooks V4 PDF converter – and select See what’s printing.  Delete any jobs in the queue.

                    iii.        Right-click the first PDF converter again and select Printer properties;

                   iv.        Click the Ports tab and then click the Add Port button;

                    v.        Select Local Port and click the New Port button;

                   vi.        In Enter a Port Name, enter an appropriate name - for QuickBooks V4 PDF converter we suggest Reckon V4.  Click OK to save.

                  vii.        Confirm that this port appears in the list of ports then click Apply;

                 viii.        Click the Advanced tab;

                   ix.        Select Spool print documents so program finishes printing faster;

                    x.        Clear the checkbox labelled Enable advanced printing features.

                   xi.        Select Print directly to printer.

                  xii.        Click the Driver drop-down arrow and select Amyuni Document Converter 400.

                 xiii.        Click Apply and then click OK.

                xiv.        Right-click the Windows taskbar and choose Task Manager.

                 xv.        Click the Processes tab.

                                          i.    Windows 8:  Select Background Processes > Spooler SubSystem App > Print Spooler and click the End Task button.

                                         ii.    Windows 7 & vista:  Select splWOW64.exe and click the End Process button.

                                        iii.    Windows XP: Select splWOW64.exe and click Yes in the warning window.

                xvi.        Close the Printer properties window.


4.    Repeat Step 2 for every QuickBooks and Quicken related PDF converter and Send to OneNote.  We suggest the following names for ports:

                      i.        Reckon V303 – QuickBooks V303 PDF Converter;

Driver name is Amyuni Document Converter 300

                     ii.        Reckon – Reckon PDF Converter

Driver name is Amyuni Document Converter 400

                    iii.        Quicken – Quicken PDF Converter

Driver name is Amyuni Document Converter 300


5.    Delete Accounts Business printer files – QBPRINT.QBP and wpr.ini:

(yes, delete them again.)

                      i.        Windows 7 & Vista:  C:\Program Data\Intuit\ReckonAccounts 2013 and C:\Program Data\Intuit\QuickBooks 2013

                     ii.        Windows XP:  C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Intuit\ReckonAccounts 2013\ and C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Intuit\QuickBooks 2013\


6.    Set Reckon Accounts 2013 to Run as Administrator:

                      i.        Right-click your Reckon Accounts icon and select Properties > Compatibility;

                     ii.        Under Privilege Level, tick Run this program as an administrator

                    iii.        Click OK.

                   iv.        Note: do not tick run this program in compatibility mode I the Compatibility mode section.


7.    Reboot the PC and try to Sae as PDF and email again.


If problems continue resetting the Windows default printer settings may help.  See the guide in



Additional Information

Logging on as the Built-In Administrator on a Windows Home Edition machine

a.    Click on Start > All Programs > Accessories;

b.    right click Command Prompt and left click Run as administrator;

c.    to turn on the built-in administrator, type: 

[When you have completed all actions, turn off the built-in administrator by typing:  ]


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