How do the user permissions to create and print reports work?

Legacy KB ID: 1060


How do the user permissions to create and print reports work? eg Payroll reports.


When setting up a QuickBooks User with user permissions you can assign permissions to create or print reports, amongst other things, in various parts of the program.

To setup user permissions;
1) Go to the 'Company' drop down menu and select 'Set Up Users'.
2) Select the username that needs to be edited and click 'Edit'.
3) A wizard will now begin where selective access for different areas can be set. Page six of nine will be titled 'Sensitive Accounting Activities'.
5) In this screen, you can add permissions to create or create and print reports in all areas. In this screen you can not restrict permissions by giving no access.
6) Now click 'Finish'.

Note: To stop a User having access to Payroll reports you have to turn off access to both Payroll and Sensitive Financial Reporting screens.

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