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What's New - Reckon Accounts Hosted 2023 R1 - AU

Reckon Accounts Hosted 2023 R1 is released and available for AU and NZ users for both Desktop & Hosted.

To provide Australian employers sufficient time to update Employees and payroll data for STP Phase 2 we released Reckon Accounts Hosted 2023 R1 in mid-June 2023.

Reckon Accounts 2023 R1 contains exciting new features, bug fixes, and enhancements requested by our customers. It also contains compliance updates, legislative changes, as well as the latest PAYG Tax Scales for the 2023/24 Financial Year.

New features (AU)

Allow End-Users to update Username

With the recent changes in the Reckon Accounts Hosted for security enhancement, we now only allow Usernames to be used during log in instead of the previous User ID.

Along with this change, we have now allowed our Reckon Accounts Hosted Users to manage their own Account Usernames within the Control Panel.

New users would still need to use their User ID to log in for the first time in order to create their Usernames.

Added multiple Tax Table support for two financial year PAYG Scales

From the 2023 version onwards, Reckon Accounts will support two financial year PAYG Tax Scales in the Payroll feature. PAYG Tax will be calculated for an employee using the previous and current tax scales based on the Payment Date.

Super Rate Update

Superannuation rates increases every year until 2028. Previously, the standard Superannuation rate is updated from the previous year during the upgrade process.

In support for the multiple tax table feature, the update of the Super Rate in Reckon Accounts 2023 has changed. A prompt will appear when opening the Employee/Payroll Centre or Pay Employees when it detects the previous rate of 10.5% from the Super Payroll Item and Employee record.

Any new Superannuation (SA) Payroll Item would use the 11.0% rate. Moreover, any non-standard rates would not be updated.

  1. Yes – updates the rate from 10.5% to 11.0% for the Super Guarantee Act (SA) on the Payroll Item and employee record.
  2. No – retains the 10.5% rate for the Super Guarantee Act (SA) on the Payroll Item and employee record.

Compliance update (AU)

STP Phase 2

Implemented the ATO Single Touch Payroll (STP) reporting expansion known as STP Phase 2 that aims to streamline employer interaction and alleviate reporting burden for employers to multiple government agencies by:

  • Providing employment and payroll information for your employees
  • Better visibility of the types of income employee receives
  • No longer requiring the submission of TFN Declarations, concessional reporting, or Lump Sum E letters

For all STP Phase 2 related topics, please see STP Phase 2 for Reckon Accounts.

STP Phase 2 – Migration Assistant

To support users with their transition to STP Phase 2, we have added a Migration Assistant that will help you quickly review and easily update your Employees and Payroll Items.

The Migration Assistant will step you through the information you will need to add, review, or edit your Employee details and Payroll Items, allowing you to lodge via STP Phase 2. Check out our quick how-to video demo and in-depth guide below.

State payroll threshold update

New South Wales (NSW)

The Payroll Tax Threshold for New South Wales is reverted to 5.45%.

Hotfix Releases

Reckon Accounts Desktop & Hosted

Check the version stamp within Reckon Accounts 2023 R1
  1. In Reckon Accounts, go to Employees > Tax Table Information
  2. Click on the Tax Table Info button
  3. See Tax Table Version page, and there will be a version stamp of v1.0.2 If the version is not present or is v1.0.1, then you must download the latest version of Reckon Accounts 2023.

v1.0.2 Fixes

Hotfix released on 26 August 2023 for Hosted. This includes all updates from v1.0.1.
Payee Record Count must be equal to the number of children (PAYEVNTEMP)

Fixed an issue whereby one or more employees are missing in the STP file, causing the STP error: “Payee Record Count must be equal to the number of children (PAYEVNTEMP)” during lodgement.

Total Gross with Salary Sacrifice is shown incorrectly in the BAS W1 Prefill on the ATO Business Portal

Fixed an issue where the Employer’s Total Gross in the STP file is not being adjusted when Salary Sacrifice is present resulting in a different amount reported in the BAS Label W1 from the ATO Business Portal.

ATO allows updating of the W1 amount. Take note of the warning that will appear regarding the difference between 'Entered amount' and 'STP reported amount'.

Account Numbers are disabled after launching the Migration Assistant

Fixed an issue where the Accounts Preferences of “Use account numbers” and “Show lowest subaccount only” are being disabled when launching the Migration Assistant.

v1.0.1 Fixes

Hotfix released on 21 June 2023 for Hosted.
Hours accrued per hour paid in decimal gets rounded up to the nearest tens after importing from the Migration Assistant

Fixed an issue where the Employee's leave accrual value on Leave Details are being rounded to the nearest tens for the Accrual period is set for 'Every hour' when importing from the Migration Assistant. The setting is now retaining.

Employee payment method are being updated to Cheque when importing from the Migration Assistant

Fixed an issue where the Employee's payment method is updating from Bank (Online)/Cash to Cheque when importing from the Migration Assistant. The setting is now retaining.

Calculate based on quantity settings is updating to Neither when importing from the Migration Assistant

Fixed an issue where the setting for the 'Calculate based on quantity' is reverting to default setting of Neither after importing from the Migration Assistant. The setting is now retaining.

Incorrect Tax Code validation for WHM employee that are Foreign resident with no TFN provided

Fixed an issue where employees under Income Type: Working Holiday Maker (WHM) with Tax Code: 4-No TFNn (Foreign resident with no TFN) cannot be set within the Migration Assistant v1.0.6. The stated scenario is now accepted.

Previously, it wrongly only accepts employees under Income Type: (WHM) with Tax Code: 3-NonRes (Foreign resident).

Resolved bugs

QBM file with file size around or over 2 GB cannot be restored

Added support for larger file sizes, allowing restoration of a Portable Backup around or over 2 Gigabytes (GB) in file size.

'Remove All' action on Send Forms does not appear again after selecting 'No'

Fixed an issue where the Remove All action in Send Forms is repeatable without re-opening the window.

Cannot remove all transactions via the Cleanup Company data

Fixed an issue where the Cleanup Company Data process cannot be completed due to payroll transactions in the current year or when online banking is enabled on accounts. Prompts are placed back to appear.

Removed automatic printing of JavaScript from PDFs

Fixed an issue where an automatic printing JavaScript is enabled for printed PDFs.

Email preview still appears when cancelling an email of a Report

Fixed an issue where cancelling an email for a report still displays the preview of the email with the report attached.


Added and updated the Country List

  1. Added 30 new Countries used by Company Information's Legal Country and by the Supplier's and Customer's Additional Info Country. Example: Israel's neighbouring countries, Poland, Malawi, Romania, and Serbia
  2. Updated the name of 3 existing Countries: Brunei Darussalam, Samoa, and Timor-Leste
  3. No Validation for the Tax Reg ID and is a free-form with a 15-character limit.
  4. Added an “Other” option with an open format for Tax Reg. ID



  1. Bahrain
  2. Bulgaria
  3. Croatia (Hrvatska)
  4. Cyprus
  5. Czech Republic
  6. Egypt
  7. Estonia
  8. Hungary
  9. Israel
  10. Jordan
  11. Kenya
  12. Kuwait
  13. Latvia
  14. Lebanon
  15. Lithuania
  16. Malawi
  17. Malta
  18. Morocco
  19. Norway
  20. Oman
  21. Palestinian Territories
  22. Poland
  23. Qatar
  24. Romania
  25. Serbia
  26. Slovakia (Slovak Republic)
  27. Slovenia
  28. Switzerland
  29. Syria
  30. Tunisiahrain
  31. Other
  1. Brunei Darussalam
  2. Samoa
  3. Timor-Leste

Updated the function based on instructions for importing Time Activities

Added a duplicate menu entry under Import menu named “Timer Activities”.

Removed the background colour for the BAS forms (AU only)

Removed the background colour and watermark for all BAS Forms.

Widened the Text Boxes on the Amount's Filter for Between

Increased the width of the text control for the Amount filter in the Find window and Modify Report window.

Update Paid Parental Leave to not attract Super

Removed the Super selection for the Payroll Item Type: Paid Parental Leave so that no Super is automatically selected for a newly created item by default.

'Your data contains duplicate list elements' message during V&R is referring to a local log file and path

Updated the dialogue directory, log file name, and message to download from the verify_rebuild_data.log when duplicate list elements are found.

MFA on Hosted

We have now enabled Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) on Reckon Accounts Hosted. 

API/SDK changes

The following features are changes that were introduced since the last release.

Hosted API v4

The Reckon Accounts Hosted API version 4 is an upgrade from API version 2.

API Subscription Keys

Subscription keys are now mandatory for every API request call. A Subscription Key will be assigned for every Reckon API product (Reckon One API / Reckon Accounts Hosted API) that you subscribe to.

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