Error “QuickBooks requires Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher".

Legacy KB ID: 1763


When I try to open QuickBooks I get a message saying that I need Internet Explorer 5.5 or later. But I have Internet Explorer 5.5 or later installed. Why do I get the message? It won't let me open QuickBooks.


There are 2 places in the Registry that the I.E. version is kept. One of them is updated by I.E. 6 during install. This one is checked by the QuickBooks installer when installing from the CD. The other one is not updated by I.E. 6 during installation and this one is checked by QuickBooks when opening the program.

Close Internet Explorer. Go to Start, Run, type Regedit then OK, HKey-LocalMachine, Software, Microsoft, Internet Explorer, Version Vector, double-click on I.E. on the right-hand side, in the value data field type in the I.E. version number that you have eg 6.0000 then click OK and close the Registry editor.

QuickBooks should then open correctly.

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