Error H202 when installing RAB 2016 on a Server

Legacy KB ID: 5469


Why do I get an Error H202 when I install Reckon Accounts 2016 – option Company File Server Only – onto a server?  There is no problem when Reckon Accounts is installed with option Reckon Accounts and Company File Server.


Modify the Registry for the port used

The Issue

When you install the 2016 version with the option Company File Server only, the registry is not properly adjusted for the listening port and cannot detect activity for the 2016 version.

Reckon apologises for the inconvenience this issue is causing.



Modify the Registry for the listening port.

(You will be required to reboot your Server).

1.    Install Reckon Accounts 2016 – Company File Server Only;

2.    When the Database Server Manager opens, close it immediately;

3.    Open the Registry (see Additional Information below);

4.    Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ QuickBooksDB25\ Parameter

5.    In the right-hand pane, double click on the Parameters entry to open the Edit box

6.    In the Value data field, look for the reference 10178; replace it with 10179;

7.    Click OK to Save;

8.    Restart your Server for the changes to take effect;

9.    Make the port 10179 and exception to your security software rules (firewalls, anti-virus; ip sanners, etc).  See KB220 for other processes that should be made exceptions. 

10. Launch the Database Server Manager, add folders and scan for files;

11. Open Reckon Accounts Business 2016 from a computer and open a company file and switch to multi-user mode to allow other users to access the file.


Additional information

To open the registry:

1.    Windows 10, 8 - type REGEDIT in the Search box and press Enter

2.    Windows 7 – type cmd to open the Command Prompt and then type REGEDIT.

To backup your Registry Settings, click on File > Export> Select a Directory, and enter a name.


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