Installing QBi on a Windows Server and Terminal Server – 2003 & 2008

Legacy KB ID: 4494


What procedures do I need to follow to successfully install QuickBooks on a Terminal Server?



This note is prepared to assist QuickBooks Premier and Enterprise users who intend to use QuickBooks QBi Series in a Microsoft® Windows® 2003 / 2008 Server environment. The following instructions do not detail how to set up your network or Terminal Services. It is assumed users already know how to log on to the server using a Thin Client session. For more information, please read the documentation available with your operating system, or see your system administrator.

Note: When installing QuickBooks, ensure that all users have Power User Group rights on the server. Users who do not have the correct operating system rights to write to the registry keys may not be able to use QuickBooks.



Click this link for the guide:

Installing, Updating and Configuring QuickBooks to operate in a Terminal Server environment

for full instructions. 

Please refer to KB for more information on Server 2016/2012.

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