Error 132 and 133 when opening or closing Financial Statement Designer

Legacy KB ID: 3908


Why do I get Error 132 followed by Error 133 when I try to open the Financial Statement Designer?

(These errors may also occur when trying to close FSD)


The problem may be caused by a problem with the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Pack or by a damaged QuickBooks installation.


Detailed Instructions


If you are encountering the error on your first use of FSD, continue with the next section:   Uninstall and reinstall Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Pack. 


If you have used FSD before, Reckon recommends that you first eliminate fsr file template damage before continuing with this article.  Click HERE for instructions (KB3907 Access violation errors when opening or closing Financial Statement Designer).


Uninstall and reinstall Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Pack.

1.    Close QuickBooks

2.    Be sure you have the correct QuickBooks CD available. (If the CD is not available, you will need to download the Visual C++ Redistributable Pack from

3.    Windows Start button > Control Panel >

    1. Windows 7 & Vista:  Program Features
    2. Windows XP:  Add/Remove Programs.

4.    Uninstall Microsoft C++ Redistributable Pack.

5.    Insert the QuickBooks CD in the CD drive.

6.    Go to My Computer > right-click the CD drive and select Explore.

7.    select the \ThirdParty\CRT8 folder.

8.    Double click on vcredist_x86.exe to install the program. 

9.    Reopen QuickBooks and open Financial Statement Designer.

If Financial Statement Designer still does not open successfully, reinstall QuickBooks:

1.    Uninstall and reinstall QuickBooks.  Click HERE for instructions to clean uninstall and re-install QuickBooks

2.    Restart your computer

3.    Open QuickBooks, open your company file and Activate.

4.    Open Financial Statement Designer


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