Online Bank Account is not retained when paying bills

Legacy KB ID: 4900


Why am I forced to select my online bank account every time I pay a bill?  The Payment Method is already set for Bank Online, and I only have one bank account configured for online banking.


You will experience this issue if you have set another bank account that is not configured for online banking as your preferred bank account for paying bills. 

When you select a Payment Method you will be offered only the accounts configured for that method.  If your preferences nominate an account that is not configured for that Payment Method, then no account will be preselected. 



1.    Edit > Preferences > Banking > My Preferences;

2.    For the selection Open the Pay bills form with, select your online-configured bank account. 

3.    Click OK to save.

When you pay a bill and Bank Online is selected as the payment method, this account will be selected automatically. 


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