Uploading BAS to ATO’s ECI portal fails

Legacy KB ID: 4310


Why can’t I upload my BAS to the ATO’s ECI portal?  The webpage is blank with an X in the top left corner and a message “Internet Explorer has modified this page to help prevent cross-site scripting” at the bottom of the screen.


This problem has been encountered by users with Internet Explorer version 9.   

When you log onto the ATO’s ECI portal you are switched to another site – https://bp.ato.gov.au.  It is this other site that is blocked by IE9.  Older versions of Internet Explorer do not block the other site. 

64-bit versions of IE9 are not supported by the ATO’s ECI portal and will not allow the user to upload the BAS form.  The 32-bit version will need to ‘trust’ the other site and turn off filtering to allow uploading of BAS forms. 


Warning:  making the changes suggested in this note will reduce the security level of your browser.  Users should check with their IT professional on the impact these suggestions may have on their computers and the business’s security policy. 




In Internet Explorer:

1.    Tools > Internet Options > Security > Trusted Sites;

2.    In Add this website to the zone, enter https://bp.ato.gov.au, and click Add;

3.    Click Close;

4.    On the Internet Options screen highlight Trusted sites again and click on Custom level button;

5.    Scroll down to the Scripting section and under Enable XSS filter, click on the Disable radio button;

6.    Click OK to complete and close all boxes. 

Close Internet Explorer and relaunch it.  You should now be able to upload your BAS to the ATO’s ECI portal. 

When your BAS is successfully uploaded, re-enable the XSS filter to restore your browser to its original security level:

1.    Tools > Internet Options > Security;

2.    Highlight Trusted site and click on Custom Level;

3.    Under Enable XSS filter, click on the Enable radio button;

4.    Click OK to complete and close all boxes

5.    Close Internet Explorer and relaunch it. 

The ATO’s https://bp.ato.gov.au site will remain a trusted site.

You will need to turn off XSS filtering every time you wish to upload a form to the ATO’s ECI portal. 



Use another 32-bit browser like Firefox, Chrome or Safari. 


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