Currency exchange rates update not working in Quicken and it is causing my program to close.

Legacy KB ID: 2750


Why when updating my currency exchange rates, they don't change or cause my Quicken program to close?


In order to update your currency exchange rates, follow the steps below:

• Close Quicken

• Open the following file:

Windows XP:

        - C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Intuit\Quicken\Config\QUICKEN.INI

Note: Some folders may be hidden. To Show hidden files and folders;

- Left-click the Windows Start button and select My Computer
- From the Tools menu, select Folder Options
- From the View tab, select Show hidden files and folders
- Click OK

Windows Vista:

        - C:\ProgramData\Intuit\Quicken\Config\QUICKEN.INI

Note: Some folders may be hidden. To Show hidden files and folders;

- Left-click the Windows Logo and select Computer
- Click Organise and select Folder and Search Options
- From the View tab, select Show hidden files and folders
- Click OK

•Locate the line: CurrencyRateDownload=

• Directly below, create a new line and enter the following text, if already created then modify the HTTP link only:


• Save the changes and Exit

• Open Quicken and update the Currency Rates

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