QuickBooks 07/08 crashes when upgrading a file from QuickBooks 2002.

Legacy KB ID: 4099


I am upgrading my QuickBooks 2002 company file to 07/08 for upgrade to the current version, but after Pass1 QuickBooks crashes.  Why?


A crash on upgrade usually indicates a corruption in the company file.  Users should examine the QBWin.log file and identify the last action before the crash.  In most cases, it is the last process, list or transaction that is causing the crash. 

One issue outside the normal reasons for a crash is if recording Tax is turned off and the Tax Agency field is blank. 




If tax has been turned off in QuickBooks 2002:

1.    Edit > Preferences > GST/Tax > Company Preferences

2.    Click on YES for do you wish to set up QuickBooks to handle the GST or sales taxes?

3.    In Name of your Government Agency select Australian Taxation Office

4.    Click OK

5.    Click on File > Utilities > Rebuild.  You will be forced to make a backup.  Reckon recommends you do not overwrite existing backups.

6.    If errors were found examine the QBWin.log file and correct the issue.  To open the QBWin.log file:

a.    Click on Ctrl+1 then Ctrl2

b.    Select the Open Files tab

c.    Double click on QBWin.log in the left hand list

d.    Scroll down to the bottom of the file and examine the last entries. 

7.    When no errors found, click on File > Utilites > Verify to confirm no errors in the file.

8.    Create a new backup for upgrading.

9.    Upgrade the file to QuickBooks 2007/08.


Other errors:

Open the QBWin.log file and examine all error messages and address them.


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