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Payment Receipt

This feature is available from Reckon Accounts 2020 R1.
Desktop release date: Late March 2020
Hosted release date: Late June 2020

When a Customer pays for one or more Invoices, you can Email or Print a Payment Receipt in Reckon Accounts.

For existing Customer Payments

  1. Find the Customer Payment transaction and open it
  2. Click on the Payment Receipt drop down and choose the appropriate method (Print/Email).
    If you click on the Payment Receipt button, it will print by default.

For new Customer Payment

  1. Go to Receive Payments (from Home or Customer Centre > New Transactions)
  2. Select your Customer
  3. Tick the Invoice(s) and add the amounts as required
  4. Optional: If credit applies to one or more Invoices, click on the Credits button and apply the Credits as required
If an Invoice is paid out using Credit/Adjustment Note, it will not show in your Payment Receipt unless part of it was paid via Cash/EFTPOS/Credit card etc.

  1. Click on the Payment Receipt drop down and choose the appropriate method (Print/Email).
    If you click on the Payment Receipt button, it will print by default.
Payment Receipt in Reckon Accounts

Default email body of Payment Receipt

You can customise the default email message of a Payment Receipt.

  1. Go to Edit > Preferences > Send Forms > Company Preferences
  2. Choose Payment Receipt from the Change default for drop down

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