How to Setup and Calculate Super in Reckon One

Legacy KB ID: 5758


These instructions will outline exactly how to setup a super fund, add it to an employee's record and then ensure it calculates on the relevant payroll item(s).

Please note: These instructions should be done before completing your first pay run. If you have already processed a pay run and have noticed that super is not calculating, once you have followed the below instructions you will need to remove the employee from the pay run and then re-add them.


Criteria 1: Setup Super Funds

  1. Go to Payroll > Super Funds
  2. Select "Add" to create the new record
  3. Enter the Name, ABN and other details for the fund and select "Save"
  4. Once the above has been completed, it will create additional tabs for "Bank details" and "Super fund":
  5. Please go into "Super funds" tab and enter the relevant information.
  6. Click "Save & close"
  7. Repeat the process for all other super funds your employees use

Criteria 2: Add Super Funds to Employee Records

  1. Go to Payroll > Employees
  2. Click on an employee's name to open their record
  3. Click on the "Pay set up" tab
  4. Click "Add new row" underneath "Superannuation Accounts"
  5. From the "Pay item" drop-down menu, select the relevant super fund that relates to the employee
  6. Enter all the other relevant super information that relates to the employee
  7. Click "Save & close"
  8. Repeat this process for all other employees

Criteria 3: Calculate Super for Payroll Items

  1. Go to the COG wheel > Settings
  2. Click "Pay items" underneath "Payroll settings"
  3. Click on one of the super payroll items
  4. Tick the relevant payroll items you want super to be calculated on from the section "Pay items included"
  5. Click "Save & close"
  6. Repeat this process for all other super funds

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