Error – the value ‘/Date(14749879800000)/’ is not valid for StartDate

Legacy KB ID: 5437


Why can’t I enter an Estimate for a Project in Reckon One?  I keep getting the error:

“The value ‘/Date(1474987600000)/’ is not valid for StartDate

The value ‘/Date(1475987600000)/’ is not valid for EndDate”


Alter the start date of the project to before the date of the Estimate.


The Issue

Once you define a Project with a start date and an end date, you can only enter Estimates and Invoices with dates that are between the start and end date. 

The start date of the project should be the date from which you will be recording transactions against the project, and not another date like when actual work will start. 

You will get a similar error if you enter an invoice for a date outside the project date range:  “Invoice not in project date range for ProjectName.”


To change the date range of a Project:

  1. Go to Day to Day> Projects

  2. Double click on the Project name to open it

  3. In the start date field, enter your new start date

  4. Click Save & Close.

You can now enter your Estimate or Invoice.


The issue has been noted and will be considered by product development in their normal review cycle.


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