Why can't I restore my backup? When I made the backup, QuickBooks indicated the backup process was s

Legacy KB ID: 382


Why can't I restore my backup? When I made the backup, QuickBooks indicated the backup process was successful


You may have backed up your QuickBooks file to a damaged 3.5-inch disk. If a bad disk is not detected by your operating system at the time of the backup, QuickBooks will display a message that data has been backed up successfully. Or you may have inadvertently clicked through warning messages (for example, a blue screen indicating Disk Write Error) during the backup procedure, which caused QuickBooks to assume the backup was complete. You may be able to restore your backup with the following steps: 1. Attempt to copy the file from the backup disk to a convenient location on your hard disk (the Microsoft® Windows® Desktop, for example). 2. Try restoring the backup copy from the new location. If the steps above are unsuccessful, restore an alternate backup. To avoid this situation in the future, always format your 3.5-inch disk(s) prior to making a backup. Be sure to use the Windows Full format (not the Quick format). The Full format process will scan your disk and can identify problems, even if you have purchased preformatted disks. (If you need additional information on formatting disks, consult Windows Help.)

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