How to update YTD balances on the Payment summary in Reckon One

Legacy KB ID: 5489


How do I update Year To Date balances on the Payment Summary when I start a Reckon One Book part-way through the financial year?


When you start a Reckon One Book during the course of a financial year, you may want to record the totals of your payroll as opening balances so that your payment summary at the end of the financial year is complete, and bank and liability balances are not affected.

Administration > Settings contains the mechanisms for defining your starting balances for the various Payment summary Categories.

Subsequent pay runs will be added to these totals.


Detailed Instructions

  1. Go to Administration (cog wheel) > Settings;
  2. Under Payroll Settings, click “YTD set up”
  3. In the top right is the Add pays button under which you can add individual pays;
  4. Click on the dropdown arrow for section totals:
    1. Add tax balances
    2. Add leave balances
    3. Add Payment Summary Balances

To record PAYGW tax balances

  1. Select Add tax balances from the Add pays dropdown arrow
  2. Click on Add new row to open an entry line
  3. Select an Employee
  4. Enter the Pay period end date
  5. Select a Tax type – in most cases this will only be Gross Earnings
  6. Enter the Amount of tax
  7. Click Save & Close


To record other Payment summary category balances

  1. Select Add payment summary balances from the Add pays dropdown arrow
  2. Click on Add new row to open an entry line
  3. Select an Employee
  4. Select the type of Payment Summary – INB or ETP
  5. Select the payment summary Category – like Gross Payment, RESC, Allowances, etc
Where there are more than one category, separate entries must be made for each
  1. Select a Detail if required
  2. Enter a Pay period end date
  3. Enter the Amount for the category
  4. Click Save & Close


Check that all categories show the correct amounts on the Payment summary
  1. Payroll - Payment Summaries > INB
  2. Click on Add and select a Financial Year
  3. Click Add INB Payment summary
  4. Click on the entry in the table
  5. Click on an Employee
  6. Confirm your entries are complete, appear in the correct fields and have the correct amounts. 


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