QuickBooks Crashes when importing my QuickBooks Timer file.

Legacy KB ID: 1640


When I try to import my Timer file into QuickBooks I get an error message and my transactions aren't imported. How do can I successfully import?


This problem can be caused if you are entering an activity in the Timer and if in the Notes field 'Enter' is pressed twice in a row. (i.e. to leave a blank line between information entered).

To stop this error occurring in future exports make sure you don't press enter twice in a row when entering information into the Notes field.

To fix an export file that causes this error you need to open the Timer Export file in Excel;
1) Scroll down, you will see each of the Timer transactions.
2) There are some lines in between the Transactions that seem to only contain a Memo and no other Information. These are the lines that are causing the error during the import.
Delete these lines and save changes to the file.

The file will now import into QuickBooks without generating errors.

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