Bankdata: Signup Process for Reckon One


How do I get started with BankData in Reckon One?


Click here for a video guide on signing up for BankData in Reckon One.


Once you have signed up for the BankData Module via the Reckon Portal, you will see an additional Menu Entry called Bank Connections under the Banking Side Menu.

Clicking this will take you to the BankData window. From here, click the Connect An Account button, this will take you to the Bank Feed Management window.

Click the Add Feed button on this window and follow the prompts to set up your BankFeed.

Cash account is not a bank account and cant be linked to a BankFeed.
It can take up to eight days to finalise your bank feed.

Once your application has been finalised, navigate back to the Bank Connections window and click Link next to the bank feed to select which Reckon One bank account to link the bank feed to.

If no Bank Accounts appear in the drop down it means that all your Accounts have already been allocated to a Feed.

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