Error: ‘this is not a valid Quickbooks datafile’ when restoring a backup

Legacy KB ID: 3797


Why do I get the error: ‘this is not a valid Quickbooks datafile’ when restoring a backup? 


This problem may be encountered where:

·         The backup file is corrupt

·         The backup is of a QuickBooks version that QBi cannot restore – ie it is older than 2007/08. 

You may also note that when trying to restore, the File name field for the restored file shows *.qbw rather than the company file name.  


There are several general computer conditions that can lead to a backup file becoming corrupt.  A frequent cause of corruption to a backup file is creating the backup directly to a USB stick.  If there is problem between the USB stick and the CPU when the backup is being written, there is a high probability that the file will be corrupted.  If you created the backup directly to the USB stick then:

1.    Check the original company file for errors – do a rebuild then verify

2.    Create a new backup and save to your local hard drive

3.    Copy the backup file to the USB stick

4.    When restoring, copy the backup file from the USB stick to the hard drive and restore from the hard drive

5.    The file should restore.


To check the version of the backup file

1.    Browse to the folder containing the backup

2.    Right-click, select Properties and click on the QuickBooks tab

3.    The second box Archive with will show the version that created the backup

4.    If the version is earlier than 2007/08, upgrade the file to 2007/08 first then upgrade to QBi.


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