How to get the bank details of employees in a report, in Payroll Premier?

Legacy KB ID: 5602


How to get the bank details of employees in a report, in Payroll Premier?

I need to see the Bank details for all employees in a report. There are no reports available. How do I get one?


Reckon Payroll Premier does not have a default report that provides the information on the employee banking details. However several other reports can be modified to be able to get this information. It can also be saved/memorised for future use.


One of the requirements for this report is you have a pay processed to those employees in that time period for which you are generating the report.

Detailed steps:

1) Go to the report menu on top and Employees -> Name order. (Or any order you like).

2) You will see the employee report. Click on dates to change the appropriate date range. It is recommended to select the short date like last pay or week etc so the report is not extended too large.

3) Click on edit Report.

4) Click on add button.

5) You will get to the object properties window. Scroll down to Bank transfers.

6) Under Fields Available section, scroll down to ‘BSB Number’ and select it.

7) Tick the add field to list checkbox on right. Press OK


9) Repeat step 3-5 and this time select Account Number.

10) Tick the add field to list checkbox on right. Press OK

11) If you do not wish to see any unwanted columns here, you can select the column and press delete to delete it. So, you can fit these extra columns within the page.

This will give you the report with the bank details.

Should you choose to save/memorise the report for future, click on save/close button to save it.

1) Click on save.

2) Select yes.

3) Give report a name and tick the checkbox for ‘Add to memorised report’

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