Compensation Pay Rate doubles up Accumulated Leave

Legacy KB ID: 4266


Why does Accumulated Leave double up when I use the Compensation pay rate in Payroll Premier?


Note:  Before proceeding, users should check with their Accountant or Workers Compensation company for full details of entitlements and responsibilities.  These change from state to state and for different parts of the workers’ compensation process. 


By default, in Payroll Premier, the Compensation pay rate is established as a Normal pay rate, and although the Leave Accrual option is unticked, it will accrue leave when used as a normal pay rate. 


When leave is accrued by Pays period, then the Compensation pay rate will accumulate leave in addition to any normal pay rate used. 

When leave is accrued by Normal Hours, if hours are assigned to the compensation pay rate, then leave will be accumulated. 


Avoiding the accumulation of leave on the existing Compensation pay rate

1.    When adding the Compensation pay rate to the employee’s Pay Rate tab, select the Pay Rate Type as Item rather than Hourly or Salary.

2.    You may need to alter any normal pay rate from a Salary or Annual Salary pay rate type to Hourly, and adjust the Amount.

3.    On the Leave tab, change the Accrual Details Period to Normal Hours. 


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