Payslips do not email from Payroll Premier

Legacy KB ID: 5449


Why don’t my payslips email from Payroll Premier 2016/17 any more?


Make the process rinb.exe an exception in your security software


The Issue

Security software, particularly virus scanners line Trend Micro, will block any process that is not a generally known process or not excluded, from running on your PC.

The process that drives emailing from Payroll Premier (rinb.exe) is one such process. 

Making it an exception in your security software will allow it run when needed.



In your security software check the logs whether the file was blocked.

Consult your security software help resources for instructions on how to make a process an exception to its security rules. 

Make rinb.exe an exception.

Review all your security software – firewalls, anti-virus, etc – and where relevant make rinb.exe an exception.

You should be able to email again.


If the problem persists, then uninstall and reinstall Payroll Premier

  1. Create a backup of your company file;

  2. Delete Payroll Premier 2016/17 in the Control Panel;

  3. Rename the QPRoll25 to OldQPRoll25;

  4. Restart your computer;

  5. Install Payroll Premier 2016/17;

  6. Restore your company file;

You should be able to email again.


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