Start Date of pay period incorrect in Payroll Premier when paying employees monthly

Legacy KB ID: 4550


I pay my employees monthly.  Why does Payroll Premier list the start date of the pay period incorrectly?  It is wrong by a day or two and only occasionally it is correct. 


You will experience this issue when you pay your employees monthly and only when the Pay End Date is the last day of the month.

Payroll Premier calculates the Start Date of a monthly pay period by subtracting the number of days in the previous month from the Pay End Date and then adding one.  This calculation produces the correct Start Date whenever the Pay End Date is not the last day of the month. 

When the last day of the month is the Pay End Date, then the days of this month should be used to calculate the Start Date. Only when this month has the same number of days as the last month (January and August) will the correct Start Date be calculated. 

This is a limitation of the programme. 



Use a Pay End Date other than the last day of the month. 

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