Error 'The value of Current Tax Rate Column must be in range 1 .. 9999', when generating Payment sum

Legacy KB ID: 5580


I’m getting the error “The value of Current Tax Rate Column must be in range 1 .. 9999’ when doing the payment summary in 2017/18. Why?


We have identified this issue due to some issue on the report generator. Please download the updated report RINB file and generate the payment summaries.

Detailed Process:

1) Close the Payroll Premier 2017/18 application.

2) Download the above file

3) Go to the Download Folder (or location that you have selected for the download) and copy the Rinb.exe file.

4) Now go to installation directory for Payroll Premier 2017/18 usually C:\ QPRollV26\Reports folder

5) Paste the Rinb.exe file here and replace it, when prompted “file already exists’.

This will now replace the faulty Rinb.exe file with the Good one.

You should now be able to generate the Payment summary again.

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