Home Inventory Manager cannot find existing datafile

Legacy KB ID: 4723


I have just installed ReckonEssentials Home Inventory Manager 2013 on a new PC and when I start it for the first time it cannot find my file.  There is no option to select .qhi file extension.


When you launch ReckonEssentials Home Inventory Manager 2013 for the first time you are given the options to either create a new file of convert an old Home Inventory datafile.

The convert an old Home Inventory datafile refers to datafiles created before the 2011 release.  Those files were of a different format.

The 2012 release introduced the *.qhi file format.  This file does not need to be converted to the 2013 release.



Choose Create a new Home Inventory datafile.  Give it a name of Test.  This step will generate the *.qhi option in selecting files. 

Now you can open your existing file by File > Open and browsing to your datafile.  (Note the *.qdf option is displayed). 


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