Importing remittance advice template in QuickBooks

Legacy KB ID: 88


How can i get remittance advice to be printed at the bottom of customer invoices in QuickBooks?


You can import a template called 'Pre-Printed: Remittance Advice Tax Invoice' this has the remittance advise on the bottom of the invoice.

To import the template do the following:

- Open QuickBooks with your data file
- Click on list drop down menu and click on templates
- Click on the templates button on the bottom of the screen in the templates list
- Click on import
- When the select file to import window appears make sure its looking in the QuickBooks installation directory and select the file called 'Pre-Printed: Remittance Advice Tax Invoice.des' and click on 'open'
The template should now be imported, Customise this template to suit your needs.

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