QBI date range does not match with ATO prefill data when importing BAS data into GovConnect

Legacy KB ID: 4825


Why does GovConnect get the error:

QBI date range (20x1-10-01 to 20x1-12-31) does not match with ATO prefill data (20x0-10-01 to 20x0-12-01)

When I import my BAS data?



You are likely to experience this issue when posting the October quarter Business Activity Statement, which is due in January or February, and your date definitions in the BAS configuration are not correctly set

By default, QuickBooks sets the quarter to the previous quarter from the current computer date and the year as the current calendar year.  At the start of the calendar year (January to March) the quarter selected is October and the year selected is the current year – that is, it may show October 2013 instead of October 2012.



Adjust the date range in the BAS Configuration.

1.    Reports > Tax > Simplified BAS/IAS > Config button;

2.    On the GST Configuration tab:

a.    Confirm Quarter beginning is October

b.    Current Year is 20x0 and not 20x1;

3.    Repeat steps for PAYG Instalment and PAYG Withholding tabs;

Note: you must configure these tabs even though you may not be using the QuickBooks payroll module or not paying PAYG instalments.

4.    Ensure all other selections for BAS have been made;

5.    Click OK to save changes.


Additional Note:  You must turn on full payroll features in Edit > Preferences > Payroll & Employees > Company Preferences, and click on Full Payroll. 


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