How to - payroll

Getting Started with Reckon Payroll

What is Reckon Payroll for Web? Reckon Payroll for Web is a companion to the Reckon Payroll App, giving you the ease and speed of the web on your PC or laptop alongside the flexibility of mobile. Per…

How to include time worked leave accruals in pay items in Reckon One

Learn how to include time worked leave accruals in pay items in Reckon One. Go to Payroll , then Payroll s ettings. Select Pay items. Click on the pencil icon to edit the relevant pay item. Tick the…

Setting default pay items and amounts for employees in Reckon One

Learn how to set default pay items and amounts for each employee in Reckon One to automatically prefill pay runs and save time. You can do this as a last step when creating a new employee record , or…

Reconciling your end of financial year (EOFY) in Reckon One payroll

Learn how to reconcile your end of financial year (EOFY) in Reckon One payroll. Overview. This EOFY in Reckon One brings some changes with the introduction of Single Touch Payroll (STP) Phase 2 repor…

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