QBW32.exe can't load at desired address

Legacy KB ID: 649


Why do I receive the following error messages when starting QuickBooks? "QBW32.exe can't load at desired address and is not re-locatable - please use a program compatible with this Windows version." (Followed by) "Error starting program. There is not enough memory to start [XXX].EXE." Quit some programs and then try again".


This error message is caused by the virus W32.Klez.E@mm, which infects computers via e-mail. In the second error message, "[XXX].EXE"; is a randomly generated, fictitious program filename. Answer: To resolve these error messages, you must remove this virus from your computer. More information about this particular virus can be found at the McAfee.com or SymantecTM Web sites. Due to the complexity and variety of available antivirus software, we are unable to assist in removing this virus from your computer. If the messages persist after removing the virus, uninstall and then reinstall QuickBooks.

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