Reckon Account - STP Phase 2 - Tax Treatment Code

STP Phase 2 - Tax Treatment Code in Reckon Accounts 2023

ATO requirements. A new six-character Tax Treatment code is to be applied to every Employee, and reported on every Pay Event. This is a code that is generated based on the employee conditions of thei…

STP Phase 2 - Income Type in Reckon Accounts 2023

ATO Requirements. The Income Stream is the main tax category that identifies the employee's income type which helps the ATO determine if the payee is taxed correctly, using concessional reporting arr…

STP Phase 2 - STP Tax Category in Reckon Accounts 2023

ATO Requirements. The STP Tax Category is another tax category that identifies the employee's income type that helps ATO determine if the payee is taxed correctly. This is another component used for…

STP Phase 2 - Medicare Levy Surcharge in Reckon Accounts 2023

ATO Requirements. The Medicare Levy Surcharge (MLS) is an additional payment on top of the Medicare Levy imposed on those who do not have an appropriate level of private patient hospital cover and ea…

STP Phase 2 - Medicare Levy Reduction (No. of Dependants) in Reckon Accounts 2023

ATO Requirements. The Medicare Levy Reduction (MLR) helps reduce the Medicare Levy an employee has to pay if eligible based on family taxable income below a certain threshold, and consideration of th…

STP Phase 2 - How Tax Treatment Code is designated in Reckon Accounts 2023

See How to report employment and taxation information through STP Phase 2 | Australian Taxation Office ( for more information. A valid Tax Treatment Code is automatically and dynamically g…

ATO Tax Treatment Code Matrix in relation to Reckon Accounts 2023

The following is the ATO Tax Treatment Matrices updated based on what is supported in Reckon Accounts 2023. Legend. STSL - Study and Training Support Loan. MLS – Medicare Levy Surcharge. MLE – Medica…

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