Editing and Managing Data Feeds

Adding a User to a Data Feed

Access Level. When adding a User to a data feed, an access level will need to be designated. ACCESS LEVEL DESCRIPTION View financial Can view business financial data. Example: Banking, P&L, Income an…

Editing Data Feed Properties

Editing data feed properties.. The name of each data feed is a link to open the data feed properties panel.. Clicking on the name opens the data feed properties panel, where the properties of the dat…

Removing a User from a Data Feed

Removing a User from a Data Feed.. Click the name of the data feed to open the data feed properties panel.. Then click the Users tab.. Click the X button at the right-most of the Users entry to remov…

Renaming a Data Feed

Renaming a Data Feed.. Click the name of the data feed to open the data feed properties panel.. Then click the Ellipsis menu button, and select Rename feed.. The Rename feed panel opens. Change the n…

Removing a Data Feed

Removing a Data Feed.. Click the name of the data feed to open the data feed properties panel.. Then click the Ellipsis menu button, and select Remove feed.. Then click on Remove feed to confirm the…

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