Single Touch Payroll Phase 2 - Reckon Payroll App

How to prepare for Single Touch Payroll Phase 2 - mobile app

You can now start updating your existing employee's and payroll settings so they will be compliant with STP Phase 2. Any changes you make will not impact how your payroll information is currently sub…

Preparing Employees for Single Touch Payroll Phase 2 - mobile app

Employees. Additional information about employees will need to be reported to the ATO under STP Phase 2. Read the ATO guidelines for more information. What you need to do. Go to Employees and: select…

Prepare Earnings for Single Touch Payroll Phase 2 - mobile app

Earnings. New earnings types have been added under STP Phase 2 which include 'Bonuses and commissions' and 'Directors'. Read the ATO guidelines for more information. What you need to do. Go to Earnin…

Preparing Allowances for Single Touch Payroll Phase 2 - mobile app

Allowances. Allowances are mapped and reported differently under STP Phase 2. Read the ATO guidelines for more information. What you need to do. Go to Allowance items and review each of your current…

Preparing Leave for Single Touch Payroll Phase 2 - mobile app

Leave. Additional sub-categories of leave are being introduced under STP Phase 2. Read the ATO guidelines for more information. What you need to do. Go to Leave items and update any leave type catego…

Other leave Single Touch Payroll Phase 2 - mobile app

Other leave. All leave must be reported as a leave item under STP Phase 2. Read the ATO guidelines for more information. What you need to do. You may have been using Earning or Allowance items for th…

Switch to STP Phase 2 - mobile app

Premium subscribers can select to switch to STP Phase 2 once all employee, earning, allowance, and leave item STP Phase 2 fields have been updated.. Switch to STP Phase 2 To switch to STP Phase 2: Op…

Reckon Payroll | STP Phase 2 Checklist | Phone Browser

How to Complete a STP Phase 2 Checklist using different Phone Browsers such as Safari, Chrome, etc.?

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