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Managing SuperStream services in Reckon One

This article explains how to enable and manage a SuperStream service (clearing house) in Reckon One.

If you are in Reckon Payroll, you can switch to Reckon One by selecting SuperStream under the Compliance menu.

Enabling a SuperStream service

Reckon allows you to select between 2 SuperStream services - Beam and Ozedi Direct. You can only have one of these services enabled at a time.

To enable a SuperStream service:

  1. In the Administration menu in Reckon One (accessed via a cogwheel icon in the top right corner), select Settings.
  2. Under Payroll settings, select SuperStream services.

Enabling Beam
  1. Select Enable against Beam SuperStream service. You can only have one service enabled at a time.
  2. Select Enable to the confirmation message.
  3. You will be taken to the Beam registration page.
  4. Follow the steps to register with Beam.
  5. Once you've completed the Beam registration, select Back to accounts and you will be taken back to Reckon.
  6. If the bank account or superannuation fund recorded in Beam do not match those recorded in Reckon, a notification will display advising that you need to update these in Reckon One:

  • Go to Payroll settings > Bank accounts to update bank account
  • Go to Payroll settings > Superannuation funds to update the default superannuation fund

Enabling Ozedi
To use Ozedi, you need to create an account. Make sure the ABN you give Ozedi is the same one you've recorded in Reckon One's Book settings.
  1. Select Enable against Ozedi Direct SuperStream service. You can only have one service enabled at a time.
  2. Select Enable to the confirmation message.

Changing SuperStream services

If you already have a SuperStream service enabled and want to switch to another:

  1. In the Administration menu in Reckon One (accessed via a cogwheel icon), select Settings.
  2. Select Enable for the SuperStream service you wish to switch to.
  3. Once set up, the original SuperStream service will be disabled.

Editing SuperStream service details

Editing Beam details

To edit your Beam details:

  1. In the Administration menu in Reckon One (accessed via a cogwheel icon), select Settings.
  2. Select Manage service against Beam. You will be taken to Beam to change your details.
  3. Make sure you update your details in Reckon as well.

Editing Ozedi Direct details

To edit your Ozedi Direct details, log in to your Ozedi account. Make sure you update your details in Reckon One as well.

To stop using SuperStream services

If you wish to stop using SuperStream services:

  1. In the Administration menu in Reckon One (accessed via a cogwheel icon), select Settings.
  2. Select Disable to disable your SuperStream service

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About SuperStream in Reckon One

Using Beam for SuperStream in Reckon One

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