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About SuperStream in Reckon One

Learn how to use SuperStream to pay superannuation contributions to super funds in Reckon One.

Ways to process SuperStream

You can process SuperStream in 2 ways:

  • Use a SuperStream service to send all your superannuation contributions in a single electronic transfer called a batch.
  • Create a SAFF file and upload to your own choice of clearing house.

Using a SuperStream service

You will need to choose and enable a SuperStream service first. If you try to submit a batch without first enabling a SuperStream service, you will get a prompt to enable one.  

Once enabled, follow these instructions for using the relevant service:

Creating and uploading a SAFF file

A SAFF file can be created which contains the superannuation contributions to be paid.

To create and upload a SAFF file:

  1. In the Reckon One Payroll menu, select SuperStream
  2. Select Add SuperStream batch and complete all required fields. This will create a SuperStream batch payment in a Draft status.
  3. Click on the batch to open it.
  4. Select Batch options, then Create SAFF.
    Super batch details page
  5. The SAFF file will be downloaded for you to send to your gateway, fund, or clearing house.
  6. To mark the batch as lodged, select Batch options, then Mark as lodged.

Finding and filtering batches

  1. In the Reckon One Payroll menu, select SuperStream
  2. Use the tabs at the top of the table to filter batches by All, Draft or Lodged
  3. To customise the table, select the spanner cog on the top right of the table to select columns to display and hide.

Viewing batch details and history

  1. In the Reckon One Payroll menu, select SuperStream
  2. Click on a batch to open it.
  3. To view super details for an employee, click on the arrow beside an employee name to view super details for that employee.
  4. To see batch history, select the View history link. Select Add notes to add notes to the history.

Creating payments in Reckon One

Payments are not created automatically. You must manually create a payment for each Superannuation fund included in a batch.

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Managing SuperStream services in Reckon One

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