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Granting Folder access to a Group

Granting Folder access to a Group

With the Folders access tab of the required Group selected, click the top-level folder-permission drop-down, and select the access-level View. This is the middle-level of access, granting read-only access to the contents of the folder, without any control.

Note that the applied access-level cascades down the folder-tree, granting the KPIs Group View access to the contents of the entire folder-tree. Click Save changes to apply the access-level View to all the folders, or Discard changes to leave access at the current level.

As the access-levels cascade down the folder-tree, higher levels of access can be applied further down the folder-tree, without affecting the levels of access further up the folder-tree. For example, the KPIs Group can be granted control of the contents of the KPIs folder, by clicking the access-level drop-down for the KPIs folder and selecting Manage access & Edit.

Clicking Save changes will apply the access-level Manage access & Edit to the folder KPIs (and any sub-folders, were any to exist) for the Group KPIs, or clicking Discard changes will leave access for this folder at the current level.

The access-level of None provides no access to the folders on which it is set.

Clicking Save changes will apply the access-level None to the folder Payroll (and any sub-folders, were any to exist) for the Group KPIs, while clicking Discard changes will leave access for this folder at the current level.

With the change saved, all access to the Payroll folder has been removed from the KPIs Group.

See also Removing Folder access from a Group

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