Content Management

Granting Folder access to a Group

Granting Folder access to a Group.. With the Folders access tab of the required Group selected, click the top-level folder-permission drop-down, and select the access-level View. This is the middle-l…

Removing Folder access from a Group

Removing Folder access from a Group.. With the Folders access tab of the Group selected, click the top-level folder-permission drop-down.. Select the access-level None. The applied access-level casca…

Reckon Insights: Sharing a Folder with another Company

Sharing a Folder with another Company.. External group must exist. To share a folder with another company, that company must first have created a Group and shared it with your company. This will show…

Accessing a Folder another company has Shared

Accessing a Folder another Company has Shared.. Create a group. To access another company's folders, you must first create a group, and then share that group with the other company. For ease of manag…

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