Reckon Accounts - Estimates Issues

Why does my estimate preview show the cost of the item, in the rate column?

Legacy KB Id: 1101

Reckon Accounts Desktop: Estimates marked as Active when Estimates by Job Report exported to Excel

Legacy KB Id: 5179

The ABN does not show on estimates

Legacy KB Id: 544

Multiple estimates for one customer

Legacy KB Id: 102

Can I create multiple estimates for the same customer?

Legacy KB Id: 410

Estimate does not convert correctly to a Sales Order

Legacy KB Id: 4292

Fully invoiced Estimates maintains the Active tick after it is fully invoiced

Legacy KB Id: 4899

Tax code not appearing on estimates

Legacy KB Id: 1265

Why doesn't the estimate show a rate when I use a stock assembly item?

Legacy KB Id: 1238

Why isn't the rate for a stock assembly coming up in an estimate?

Legacy KB Id: 936

Help file for "Integrated applications, Jobs & Estimates" Error message.

Legacy KB Id: 1020

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