RA: 2021 - Item price gets overridden from what I send in my payload to the item's card price.

Question: Why is my Item price gets overridden from what I send in my payload to the item's card price since installing Reckon Accounts 2021?

Answer: The issue happens when you do not sent <IsTaxInclusive> tag in your payload and Preferences Tax settings is set to Gross and Allow tax inclusive checkboc is selected.


The steps below will help you resolved this problem. The fix covers the Sales transactions below.

  1. Invoice
  2. Sales Receipts
  3. Adjustment Notes
  4. Estimates
  5. Sales orders


  1. Download the DLL file from here.
  2. Extract the file > then Copy
  3. Close the Reckon Accounts (if its open)
  4. Navigate to Reckon Accounts Installation 2021 folder and look for this DLL file (sdkqbimpl.dll)
  5. Rename the file and .old at the end (save the changes)
  6. Paste the new DLL file you have just extracted.
  7. Launch Reckon accounts and perform that same steps, it should now show the amount correctly.

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