What is an update - Payroll App

An update, technically known as an update event, is a special mechanism used to correct single touch payroll (STP) information previously submitted to the ATO.

When to use an update

Most commonly an update request will be made by the ATO directly.

Updates are commonly used to correct:

  • Employee YTD amount mismatches between your payroll application and the ATO.
  • Overpayments identified within the same financial year.
  • Misclassifications with no additional payment. For example an item has been reported as gross payments when in fact it should have been reported as an allowance.
  • Employer BMS data. For example, software ID.
  • Reporting under an incorrect ABN or PAYG withholding branch.
An update must not be used when an employee is being paid. That is, the correction must be done outside of a normal pay event. It is often acceptable to make corrections in your next pay event. The ATO will advise if this is the case.

How to create an update

  1. If the correction is to employee or business information, for example an employee’s date of birth, go to the relevant record and make the required changes.
  2. Edit the relevant pay run and make the necessary corrections.
  3. Progress all the way through to the ATO declaration screen, set the “submit as an update” toggle to yes/on, and submit the pay run.

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