Common Payroll App migration issues

'Error: The journal does not balance'

You may receive this message when attempting to mark your pay run as Paid.

This error is displayed intermittently when selecting your pay run as Mark as Paid

Our development team are investigating this issue but to assist you we have a recommended workaround.

  1. Select the Draft pay run that is not able to be marked as paid and select to edit one of the employees within the pay run. The drawer will open for the employee.
  2. Select to modify one of the calculated values, for example, adjust the quantity of hours against the Ordinary pay item, and select Save and close.
  3. Once saved and the values have been updated, enter the correct value again for the employee and again, Save and close then select Done. Select Mark as paid.
  4. If the issue still persists, continue to apply the step 2 again to the other employee’s within the pay run.

'ABN & branch is already registered'

You may receive this message if your ABN has been previously registered to our GovConnect service.

GovConnect is our STP gateway which is used in conjunction with other full fledged Reckon software such as Reckon One, Reckon Accounts Hosted, Reckon Accounts Business (Desktop) etc to send STP submissions to the ATO from the Reckon Portal.

  • If your ABN has already been registered to GovConnect we'll need to remove it before you can try migrating again. We can delete your ABN from GovConnect outright if there have been no submissions sent to the ATO.
  • If you have previously registered your ABN to GovConnect and used it to send STP submissions to the ATO using some other Reckon software eg. Reckon One, Reckon Accounts Hosted etc, please get in touch with us. We cannot delete GovConnect registrations that have been used to send STP data to the ATO however there are other options we can look at for you.

Drop us a message at the Reckon Community here or connect with us on live chat and we'll get this sorted for you ASAP.

Missing info from your STP app account - 'Something went wrong' error message

There are a couple of things that can cause a migration from the STP App to the Payroll App to fail. The issues are usually caused by missing data or invalid characters in your old STP app account. Here are a couple of things you can check on the STP app before you migrate to the Payroll app.

Employee details

Verify that employee details entered are complete and correct on the STP app. Date of birth, First and last name fields cannot be left blank. Email address format must not contain invalid characters or spaces.

Check archived employees details as well.

Company details

Verify the company details entered are complete and correct on the STP app. Remove any invalid characters from company details.

After you have verified that all employee and company details are correct, sign in to the Payroll app with your STP app login credentials to start moving across to the Payroll app.

I've checked all the info on my STP app account and it all looks ok. When I try to migrate I still receive a 'Something went wrong' error message.

If you've checked over all the above info on your STP app account but are still receiving the 'Something went wrong' error then this could be because you have a pre-existing Reckon One book registered under your email address with the exact same name as the one you've given your Payroll App account.

Currently the Payroll App cannot create an account successfully when it is given the exact same name as a Reckon One book that you have previously registered under the same email address and will cause the migration to fail.

  • If your Reckon One book is active, you can login to the Reckon Portal here and slightly rename your book by clicking the menu button on your book in the book launch screen > Settings > Change your book name

One your Reckon One book has been renamed, go ahead and try the migration again.

  • If your Reckon One book has been cancelled, please get in touch with our support team via online chat or the Reckon Community and we'll help you solve this.

I'm trying to migrate but I can't see the option to start the migration on my Payroll app screen.

If you're going through the process to start your migration as outlined here but can't see any options to start the migration such as the example in the screenshot below, this may happen if you have display assist settings switched on in your phone eg. Zoom/Magnification/Increased Font Size/Display Accessibility etc.

Go into your phone settings and switch these settings off and reopen the Payroll App, it will return to a normal view where you can access the options to proceed with your migration.

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