Pay slips displaying incorrect YTD figures in QuickBooks QBi 2008/09

Legacy KB ID: 229


Why are my pay slips displaying incorrect YTD figures in QuickBooks QBi 2008/09?


Printing one per page and three per page pay slips do not show previously used payroll items for the financial year. It will only display the YTD figures for the payroll items which were used in the last pay. If you have used different payroll items during this period that are not included in the last pay, the YTD figures will be incorrect and will not include these amounts in the pay slips.

You will need to enter all previously used payroll items for the financial year in the employee's record. Only include the Item Name for the additional payroll items, leaving the amounts blank.

Affected payroll items:

  • Wages (Hourly Wages, Annual Salary, Other, Bonus)
  • Addition
  • Deduction

To do this;

  • From the Employees menu, select Employee Centre
  • Select the employee and click Edit Employee...
  • From the Change tabs drop down list, select Payroll and Compensation Info and enter all the payroll items that were used during the financial year in the Earnings, Additions, Deductions and Company Contributions table

Create a new pay and now the pay slips will have the correct figures.

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