New Reckon Accounts Hosted Platform articles

New Platform Experience Topic Index

Release notes. What's New - Platform upgrade for Reckon Accounts Hosted 2024 R1. My Files. Using the My Files tool in the New Hosted Platform: Upload, Download, and Search Guide. Printing. "Page can'…

Using the My Files tool in the New Hosted Platform: Upload, Download, and Search Guide

About My Files. The My Files tool is a file management dialogue that lets you add, view, delete, and upload/download one or multiple files at once. It opens in the root directory, displaying the fold…

"Page can't be found... HTTP ERROR 404" when printing due to Adobe Extension in Google Chrome

Overview. When attempting to print from Google Chrome , users may encounter an error stating that the page can't be found. To resolve this, Chrome will revert to its default printing functionality by…

"Printer not activated, error code -20" when using non-DCV Printer in the new Accounts Hosted platform

Overview. Users may encounter the error message "Printer Not Activated, Error Code -20" when attempting to print using any printer other than the DCV Printer in Reckon Accounts Hosted. To resolve thi…

Screens supported in Dual Monitor view in the New Accounts Hosted Platform Experience

About Dual Monitor. The Dual Monitor tool provides enhanced flexibility for managing external windows alongside Reckon Accounts Hosted. These features enable users to resize, switch, and organise win…

Improving display clarity on Mac when using the New Hosted Platform

The recommended browser for use on Desktop operating systems (Windows/Mac) is Google Chrome. New Hosted Platform. Option 1: Toggle the Streaming mode. Go to New Platform Toolbar > Preferences > Gener…

Adjusting Date Format on the New Reckon Hosted Platform

If you’ve recently encountered an issue where the date format on your Reckon Hosted platform under my files section is displayed as mm/dd/yyyy instead of the expected dd/mm/yyyy, you’re not alone. Th…

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