You do not have enough permission to view this item... when trying to access Leave Planner.

Legacy KB ID: 3632


When I click on Leave Planner why do I get the error: “You do not have enough permission to view this item.  Please review Payroll’s menu <Lists><Users>.?  I am the Admin user.


The Leave Planner is a new feature in Payroll Premier 2010/11 and access to this feature must be allowed by the Admin User. 

When the Admin User is setup for the first time in 2010/11 he will be given permission to this feature.  However, Admin Users created in earlier versions could not be given permission to this feature.  The upgrade to 2010/11 has failed to assign the Admin User permissions to this new feature.  But when you examine the permissions for the Admin User, access to Leave Planner has been assigned.



Delete and recreate the Admin User Account.  However, you can only delete the Admin user only after all other Users have been deleted. 


Before proceeding:

·         ensure you have a valid backup of your company file;

·         open the permission table for each user and Print Screen


Delete and Recreate the Admin User and all other Users

1.    Click on Lists, then Users;

2.    Right click the Admin User and select Remove all users;

3.    Create the Admin User – permissions to all features, including “Leave Planner” will be granted;

4.    Recreate all other Users and assign them their respective permissions.


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