Contact name (signature of authorised person) for payment summaries is greyed out in Payroll Premier 2006/07

Legacy KB ID: 2459


Why is the contact name (signature of authorised person) field for payment summaries greyed out in Payroll Premier 2006/07?


This is due to using ATO stationary. In order to change the contact name, you will need to change the preferences;

  1. From the File menu, choose Preferences
  2. Click on the Printing icon
  3. From the Payment Summary type, select Plain Paper and click Save
  4. From the File menu, choose Preferences
  5. Click on the Files icon
  6. Edit the contact name and click Save

Once the contact name has been changed and the ATO stationary is required, repeat steps 1 - 3 making sure you select ATO Stationary.

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