‘Sending Email Failed’ when sending payslips from Payroll Premier

Legacy KB ID: 3854


Why can’t I send my payslips by email?  I get the error ‘Sending Email Failed”.


Payroll Premier utilizes features in Office Outlook to send an email.  If Office Outlook is not open at the time the email is sent, then some necessary processes will not be running and the email will not be processed. 



Open Office Outlook and send the email again.


If the problem persists, continue with the following workarounds until resolved.


Workaround 1

On the Payslips to Email screen, click on the Properties icon then Save.

The Email icon will become active.

Payslips will appear blank but they will email correctly.


Workaround 2

Change employee payslip preference from Email to Both.


Workaround 3

Your Outlook may be running with insufficient permissions.  Continue with the following:

  1. Close Outlook and Payroll Premier;

2.    right-click your Outlook icon or executable file:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OfficeXX\outlook.exe;

Where XX is your version number (2010=14);

  1. Properties > Compatibility;

4.    Tick the box:  Run this program as an administrator

If you are not an administrator user you will need to provide administrator username and password. 

  1. Click OK to save and close.
  2. Launch Outlook then Payroll Premier and send payslips.


Additional Note

Payroll Premier can only email via Office Outlook. 


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