QuickBooks need to be activated before you apply this Service pack.

Legacy KB ID: 2057


Why do I get the mesage "QuickBooks needs to be activated before you apply this Service pack" when I have already registered?


This problem occurs when two different versions of QuickBooks are installed on the computer and are not activated. So you will need to identify which version is the one that you are using and rename the other version in the registry editor.

1. Click on the start menu and run and type regedit and click ok.

2. Double Click on Hkey_Local_Machine then double click on software double click on intuit.

3. Double click on QuickBooks double click on 14 check what versions you got listed there.

4. Check what version you got installed and activated and rename the other version. To rename the other version right click and select rename for example lite - lite 1(Please find a list of QuickBooks version and their corresponding names at the end of this article)

5. Double click on QuickBooks registration and repeat step 4.

6. Open QuickBooks go to file menu and refresh licence information. Click Close and then try installing the service pack.

Atom - QuickBooks EasyStart: First Business 2005/06

Lite   - QuickBooks Accounting: Small Business 2005/06

Basic - QuickBooks Plus: Small Business Plus 2005/06

Pro - QuickBooks Pro: Professional Edition 2005/2006

Superpro - QuickBooks Premier: Multi User Accounting 2005/06

 Bel    - QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions 2005/06


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