Message: 'do you want to open or save file comppage.qbg' when opening navigator pages after installing Quickbooks 2007/08

Legacy KB ID: 86


Why do I get the message "do you want to open or save file comppage.qbg?"  everytime I open QuickBooks?


This issue is due to changes in how compatibility mode functions in Vista when installing the QuickBooks. The User Account Control also known as the UAC in Vista is also related to this issue.

This issue also applies to Windows XP users running Internet Explorer 7.

For Windows XP users:

1. Disable compatibility mode by right clicking on the QuickBooks icon on the desktop and select Properties then select the 'compatability' Tab and untick in the box next to 'Run this program in compatability mode.

2. Another alternative is to perform the Program Compatibility Wizard. Right click the QuickBooks icon on the desktop and select Properties. Click Learn more about compatibility. Click on Start the Program Compatibility Wizard and follow the instructions in the wizard.

For Windows Vista users:

1. Disable compatibility mode by right clicking on the QuickBooks icon on the desktop and select properties then select the 'compatability' Tab and untick in the box next to 'Run this program in compatability mode. (which is inherited from the install)

2. Disable compatibility mode for all users once this is done using the User Account Control or UAC in Windows Vista. To access the UAC select Start -> Control Panel -> User Accounts

QuickBooks should now function as expected.

For users that require to run QuickBooks in compatibilty mode, select Windows 98 / Windows Me.

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