Problems running CashBook while Logged on as a Power User or Restricted User

Legacy KB ID: 2881


When you Log into a Win XP, Win 2000, or Win NT PC as a Power User or Restricted User you encounter the following problems: -

1) Go into Help / About and the Version displays as PreQA20

2) Cannot Access any Tax Reports or the BAS

3)  When you enter a transaction into the account register and click on the Split button the split window appears but has fields over-lapping each other and incorrect column headings. This also happens in Invoices.


Log onto the computer as an Administrator.

Click the Start button and select Run. In the Run window type regedt32 and click OK. This opens the registry editor.

In the Registry Editor go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > and select Quicken. You need to give everyone full control over this Quicken folder. Either right-click on the folder and select Permissions, or select Permissions from the Security menu. In the Permissions window give the Users group full control over the folder. Click OK and exit the registry editor.

For Restricted Users on Win XP, you also need to give the Users group full control over the Quicken installation folder and the Intuit folder under Windows.

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